12 Feb 2011


After Christmas break I moved to Piikkiö, to the SDA academy Toivonlinna. I'm now living in the dorm, with a room to myself. The idea was to live on campus and help with spiritual life in the dorm. I started out with a few ideas and it seems that more and more keep presenting themselves :D 
Basically I'm here in the evenings, since I still study in Turku during the day.

 Here's what the room looked like in December when we dumped my stuff here over break
 Moving in in January
 I have too much stuff!
 The view out my window over the yard and the sea
 my 'extensive' hallway :)
 I was happy to fit my rocking chair in one corner!
 My Kazakhstan wall.
Over break I printed out 160 pictures with these walls in mind. It makes the room much more cozy and personal.
 My library of nursing books keeps growing. The sudoku book is also an essential part of nursing studies. It helps me stay awake through some classes :)

My room
The wall over my bed has pictures from Argentina and Kenya

1 comment:

evoleinrahs said...

I super love how you can make your room so cozy anywhere and anytime! :)