19 Mar 2009

Time flies

I've been here for two and a half months already. And it seems like I just came yesterday. I suppose a lot has happened in that time, but it all happens fast.
This weekend is Nauryz, celebrating a New Year and spring. The weather outside doesn't look very springy though. Just last Sunday we were hiking in the mountains, sweating in +24 degree weather, even yesterday we didn't wear coats to work, since it was so warm. Today winter decided to make a desperate last stand though. It's been sleeting all day, and everything is covered in a wet blanket of white stuff. Rebekah and I decided to go explore town this morning and got to spend a few hours walking through the wet stuff.. Fun? We took a trolleybus to Mega and discovered that it wouldn't open until 10. So instead of waiting there for an hour and 15 minutes, we decided to take a hike. After a good kilometer, maybe kilometer and a half, we finally hit Timir..something..eva street and hopped on a bus for Atakent. It was only a few streets over, so next time we'll walk. But at least now we know a little bit more of our surroundings.
At the Atakent Ramstore we admired all the food-stuff they sell, then got some flour, yeast and oil to make baursaki with. Baursaki are mandazis, for those who have spent time in Kenya, and for those who haven't, they're like fried balls of dough :D They're especially good with Nutella! I promised my class last night that I would try to make some for our next class on Monday, since they seem to eat a lot of those aroud Nauryz.

I can't believe it's almost April. At this rate I'll be home soon. I don't know how soon, though..

Rebekah and I have been reading Three Cups of Tea every night for a week now. It's a well-written book and we've really enjoyed it thus far. It's really gotten me even more interested in the Karakoram mountains. Ojala! that I could visit there someday.

Today is the end of the end of this week's classes. We teach each class twice a week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, so today is the last day of classes. Yay..

I'm hoping to get some pictures taken this weekend of all the festivities. I'll put them up someday... ...maybe...

Happy spring :)

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